FIBOSA, new member of Positive Industry

At FIBOSA, we are convinced that the industrial sector plays an essential role in social and economic change. Therefore, we announce that we are part of the Positive Industry movement, a key AMEC initiative to continue working on building a more sustainable and just future, collaborating with pioneering, sustainable and global companies.

What does Positive Industry mean?

Positive Industry is a multi-industry collaborative initiative led by the AMEC association. This initiative seeks to position the industry as a fundamental pillar for social and economic change, promoting actions that benefit all stakeholders: employees, customers, suppliers and society in general.

Being part of this movement to spread sustainable progress gives us the opportunity to:

  • Exchange innovative tools and services that benefit the national industrial sector.
  • Anticipate future changes in the sector by analyzing long-term trends and scenarios.
  • Join a network committed to the advancement of industry and social progress.

The five fundamental pillars of Positive Industry

The fundamental pillars of Positive Industry include:

  • Foresight: Make strategic and proactive decisions for the benefit of the ecosystem to which we belong.
  • Agility: Adapt quickly and effectively to changes in the environment.
  • Cooperation: Joining forces with other companies, organizations and society to promote the common good.
  • Global thinking and local action: Recognizing the global impact of our actions, while maintaining local commitment.
  • Commitment to sustainability: Prioritizing sustainability as the central axis for the advancement of our company, society and the planet.

From FIBOSA, we continue to strive for a brighter future for all and encourage more companies to join this initiative.

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